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How to Clean Polymer Letterpress Plates

By July 31, 2024News

Polymer letterpress plates are essential tools for anyone involved in letterpress printing. Keeping these plates clean is crucial for maintaining the quality of prints and ensuring the longevity of the plates themselves. In this guide, we’ll cover the step-by-step process of cleaning polymer letterpress plates, offering tips and best practices to help you get the most out of your printing equipment.

Understanding Polymer Letterpress Plates

Polymer letterpress plates are made from a light-sensitive plastic material that hardens when exposed to UV light. This process creates raised areas on the plate that form the image or text to be printed. Due to their intricate design, they require careful handling and cleaning to avoid damage.

Why Cleaning Polymer Letterpress Plates is Crucial

Cleaning polymer letterpress plates is about more than maintaining their appearance. Proper cleaning ensures that the fine details of your designs are preserved and that the plates continue to produce sharp, high-quality prints. Additionally, regular cleaning prevents ink build-up, which can lead to uneven printing and deterioration of the plate surface. Moreover, proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of your plates, saving you money in the long run.

Essential Supplies for Cleaning Polymer Letterpress Plates

To clean your polymer letterpress plates effectively, you will need the following supplies:

  1. Soft Bristle Brush: A gentle brush is necessary to remove loose debris and ink without scratching the plate.
  2. Mild Detergent: Choose a mild, non-abrasive detergent to break down ink residues while avoiding damaging the polymer.
  3. Warm Water: Lukewarm water helps to dissolve the ink without causing the plate to warp.
  4. Isopropyl alcohol: For tougher stains and ink residues.
  5. Rubber gloves: To protect your hands from any cleaning agents.
  6. Plastic Container: This is used to soak the plates if needed.
  7. Lint-Free Towels: These are used to dry the plates thoroughly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Polymer Letterpress Plates

1. Initial Ink and Debris Removal

Start by gently brushing off any excess ink from the plate using a soft bristle brush. Be sure to do this immediately after printing, as dried ink can be more challenging to remove. This will remove any loose dust and paper fibres that may have accumulated. Be sure to brush in one direction to avoid scratching the plate.

2. Washing the Plates

If the ink is stubborn or has dried, soak the plates in a plastic container filled with warm water and a small amount of mild detergent for about 10-15 minutes. This helps to loosen the ink, making it easier to remove. The water should be warm but not hot, as excessive heat can warp the polymer material.

3. Gentle Scrubbing

After soaking, use a soft, lint-free cloth or sponge to scrub the surface of the polymer letterpress plates gently. Avoid using abrasive materials or excessive force, as this can damage the delicate raised areas of the plate.

4. Rinsing

Rinse the plates thoroughly with clean, warm water to remove any remaining detergent and ink residues. Ensure that all soap is washed away to prevent interference with future print jobs.

5. Drying

Pat the plates dry with a lint-free towel. Alternatively, you can let the plate air dry in a clean, dust-free environment. It’s crucial to ensure the plates are completely dry before storing them to prevent moisture-related damage.

6. Dealing with Stubborn Ink Stains

Isopropyl alcohol can be effective for stubborn ink stains that don’t come off with soapy water. Apply a small amount to a lint-free cloth and gently rub the stained area. Be cautious not to overuse alcohol, as it can potentially dry out the polymer material if used excessively.

7. Inspecting the Plates

Once the plates are dry, inspect them closely under good lighting for any remaining ink or damage. If any ink remains, repeat the cleaning process. Addressing any issues immediately is essential to maintaining the plate’s integrity.

Tips for Maintaining Polymer Letterpress Plates

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean your polymer letterpress plates after every use to prevent ink build-up and ensure longevity.
  • Proper Storage: Store the plates flat in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Using strong solvents or abrasive cleaners can damage the polymer material.
  • Handle with Care: Always handle the plates with clean hands and avoid bending or flexing them excessively.
  • Periodic Deep Cleaning: In addition to regular cleaning, perform a deep clean periodically, especially if you notice a decline in print quality.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Ink Stains

If you notice persistent ink stains, try soaking the plates longer in warm, soapy water or using a specialised cleaner designed for polymer plates. Avoid harsh chemicals, which can degrade the plate material.

Scratches on the Plate

To prevent scratches, always use soft brushes and lint-free cloths. If scratches do appear, they may affect print quality, and you might need to replace the plate.


Warping can occur if the plates are exposed to excessive heat or if they are not dried properly. Always ensure plates are dried completely and stored flat to avoid this issue.

Loss of Detail

Over time, the fine details on polymer letterpress plates can become worn, especially if not cleaned properly. Ensure gentle cleaning methods to preserve these details and replace plates when they show significant wear.

Caring for Polymer Letterpress Plates

Cleaning polymer letterpress plates is vital to maintaining your letterpress printing equipment. By following these detailed steps and incorporating regular maintenance into your printing routine, you can ensure that your plates remain in excellent condition, providing high-quality prints for years to come.
By keeping these best practices in mind, you not only extend the life of your polymer letterpress plates but also enhance the overall quality of your print projects.